Scientists are divided on classifying lumpstumps’ head branches as ears or horns." "A woodsy ooblet found in the forests around Badgetown. His ability to steal points, add fluster, and steal a random card make him a sturdy nuisance that drains your opponent's bar right as they get the points. Bittle is great at Dance Tournaments because he never runs out of steam. Bittle sports a great bug design that even gets me (a known bug disliker) to love him. Wild bittles can only be lured into dances with exclusive Peaksnubs treabies." "Bittles have an agressive dance battle style that has led to them being the mascot ooblets of the Peaksnubs club. Behind every Dance Tournament champion is a high quality Ooblet, so we made this guide of our top picks to help you win that championship seed. It's a back to back test of your dance skills, and the ultimate way of proving your card strategies in battle.

To win a tournament you'll need to win a 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 consecutively. Once inside you can check the sign-up sheet to see the daily prize, what type of battle it's going to be (regular dance battle or signatures only), and the tournament schedule for the next four days.

Once you fix up the Dance Barn you'll have access to dance tournaments which you can enter at the North part of town.